FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

The USB protocol analyzer has worked properly, but suddenly "Start" button of analysis software is changed to be a gray color, and it cannot measure data.

It happens if the product software is not installed into the PC. There is an update software in the website of LINEEYE, which is for updating the product software. If you only install that update software without installing the product software, it will become viewer software after one week of installation.

Please install the product software from the utility CD attached with LE-620HS/610FS first, and then update it by the update software.

Please follow the steps to install the product software.

  1. Uninstall the applications of LE-620HS/610FS.
  2. If following two files are remained in the PC, please delete them.
    (If they were installed on the default place.)
    C:\Program Files\LINEEYE\USB2.0 Protocol Analyzer
    C:\Program Files\USB2.0 Protocol Analyzer
  3. Install the applications from the utility CD of LE-620HS/610FS.
  4. Install the update software from the website of LINEEYE.