PC link software


Specifications of LE-PC300R (Product version)
Applicable Analyzer LE-3500XR(V2), LE-2500XR(V2), LE-3500XR, LE-2500XR, LE-3500R, LE-2500R, LE-1500R, LE-110SA, LE-120SA, LE-3500, LE-2500, LE-1500
Applicable Option OP-SB10N, OP-SB5GL, OP-SB1C, OP-FW10R, OP-FW10XR *1
Connection with analyzer Connection by USB, Wi-Fi, Serial, Ethernet (SI-60 or SI-60F is needed)
How much analyzers Can connect with multiple analyzers and control them remotely (PC capability determines how much can be connected.)
Key emulation function It emulates the display and control part of the analyzer on PC and you can control as if you are controlling it directly.
Measurement condition setting The measurement conditions of the connected analyzer is automatically read and the settings can be changed.
Remote monitor function Start and stop of measurement, display of measured data on PC, and continuous recording *2
Recording mode Fixed buffer mode (stops measurement at specified volume) or Ring buffer mode (continue recording leaving latest data not overwritten) can be selected.
Recording capacity Max.256Gbyte, 1/2/4/8/16/32/64/128Mbyte size file unit*3, up to 2048 files can be specified
Display mode Raw data display, Frame/protocol translation display, Timer/counter display, and Logic analyzer waveform display.
Raw data display Display of communication data with idle time, time stamp, and line status.
Character code (10 types) and character type (small, medium, and big) are switchable.
Frame display Line feed display for each communication frame of ASYNC, SYNC, SPI, and I2C
Protocol translation display Translation display of ASYNC-PPP, Modbus, SDLC, X.25, and LAPD protocols.
Logic analyzer waveform display Zoom in and out of waveform display, time measurement between the cursors,, sorting of signals.
Display area Window size is changeable.
Character code ASCII, EBCDIK, JIS7, JIS8, EBCD, Transcode, IPARS, Baudot, HEX, HEX (HEX with error code)
Search function Cueing or count of the data which corresponds with the search condition
Search condition Specified character line (Max.8 characters, Don’t care and bit mask are available), Idle time more than the specified value, Specified time stamp (Don’t care is available), Error (Parity, Framing, BCC, Brake/Abort, Individual designation of  Short frame is available), Data corresponds with the trigger
Text/CSV convert function Collective conversion of indicated number of measurement log files into text format or CSV format is available.
Display capture function The display of the analyzer by key emulation can be saved as bit map file.
Storage device It can read the log file (which is captured by the analyzer) in in a storage device such as SD card and USB flash memory.
System requirements PC PC/AT compatible
CPU: Pentium®3 1GHz or more
RAM: 4Gbyte or more is recommended
HDD: 10Mbyte + space for logging data
OS Windows® 11/10/8.1/7*4
Accessories CD-ROM, Manual, User registration card
*1:Can be used when it is set to an applicable analyzer. It cannot be used together with the expansion options OP-SB7XL, OP-SB7XC, OP-SB7GX.
*2:The communication speed of the measurement target that can record the measurement data without fail on the remote monitor varies depending on the connection method between the PC and the analyzer. Please use the following as a guide. The LE-PC300R (light version) attached to the analyzer automatically terminates the remote monitor in 10 minutes, so continuous measurement for a long time is not availalbe.
Connetion No frame interval 1m sec. frame interval
USB 670kbps 1.9Mbps
Wi-Fi 200kbps 460.8kbps
Serial 20kbps 20kbps
*3: It can switch to the next data file by every specified time (1 to 24 hours) even if the communication volume is small and the specified size is not recorded.
*4: Use with Windows® 8.1/7 is not supported.