PC-connectable protocol analyzer / Data logger


●2-way operation of PC-connected protocol analyzer / logger
●Remote measurement from PC by Wi-Fi connection
●Supports measurement of arbitoral speed (4 significant digits)
●Continuously recording for a long time on the HDD of PC or the SD card in the unit
●Power failure countermeasure circuit to ensure recording to SD card
●Unattended measurement with specified time by RTC (real-time clock)
●Trigger function to control external signal output terminal and user-defined LED
●Simulation function that can send registered character strings by simple operation
●Small palm-sized body

LE-200PR is a lightweight communication protocol analyzer has a Data Logger function to record data in the SD card for long hours. It is a high performance model, which has same function as LE-200PS and also supports remote control by Wi-Fi.

  This model is discontinued. The successor is LE-200PF.
Item Name Remark
LE-200PR/LE-150PR catalog LE-200PR_150PR_catalog.pdf  
Manual LE-150PR_LE-200PR_E6.pdf
LE-200PR/LE-150PR trial version software LE-200PR_150PR_trial
Update firmware LE-200PR_150PR After downloading, follow instructions of attached documents.
USB driver lewusbd  
Software to transfer the firmware
LE8FIRM Used to update the firmware of the analzyer
Capturing software for Printout Data
LE file downloader
lefiledownload_exe It captures text data on the analyzer and sends it to a PC via AUX (serial) port, then saves as a text format file.
Library to control LE series from a PC
(Real-time version)
(For Windows)
LEPCLIB_RT It is a library to make a customer application software to control the analyzer from a PC (Real-time version). AUX (serial) port, USB port, Ethernet, Wi-Fi connection are supported.
for VC++6.0, VC++.NET
Library to control LE series from a PC
(For Linux)
libLEPC It is a library to make a customer application software to control the analyzer from a PC (Real-time version). AUX (serial) port, USB port, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi connection are supported.
Some sample softwares are included.
Library to control LE series, Python wrapper (for Linux) lepcpy A wrapper library for calling libLEPC functions from Python. It can be used when operating the Protocol Analyzer LE series with Python. It also includes multiple running samples.