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Guide on Trial Version of LE-PC300R

LE-PC300R (light version) is the light edition (with some restrictions) of the WindowsR software - PC link software "LE-PC300R (commercial version)" which can display and continuously record the monitor data of the protocol analyzer on a PC. Although you cannot monitor on a PC continuously for a long time, you can freely use the same functions as the product version.

End-User License Agreement (EULA)

To download the trial version of software, please accept the following conditions.
  1. This software can be freely installed and used, but it is strictly prohibited to perform "analysis", "modification/remodeling", and "combination" using reverse engineering techniques such as disassembly and decompilation.
  2. All rights on this software is reserved by LINEEYE CO., LTD. You are not allowed to distribute this software to others without the written permission from LINEEYE CO., LTD.
  3. LINEEYE CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from use of this software.

By downloading the LINEEYE software, you shall be deemed to have agreed to the End-User License Agreement.

Differences between the light edition and full version

The following functions are disabled in the light edition.

  1. The edition limits its monitoring time for 10 minutes.
  2. The number of files of text conversion (at the same time) is limited up to 3.
How to download and install this software
  1. Download lepc300r_v107_lite_web.zip (2795KB)
  2. Extract the downloaded file.
  3. Execute setup.exe.
  4. For the usage, please refer to the manual.

Thank you.
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