Dec. 17,2008

LE-PC800G Version up (v 1.01)

Thank you for using our products.
The program updatable to the latest version of PC link software LE-PC800G is available now. If you have been using ex-version, please update the version up.

1. What's new in version 1.01?

<Specification change >


Complete version history information

2. Models to need version up

3. How to update the latest version

Windows Installer 2.0 or newer versions have to be installed beforehand.
Please get Windows Installer 2.0 or newer versions from a support page on Microsoft web site when one of them has not been installed yet.

  1. Download (1259KB)
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Execute setup.exe.

The process of the model change from LE-PC800G is same as above.
But, if the trial version of LE-PC800G has been installed, please uninstall it first.

4. Contact

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