Oct. 9, 2014

Guide on Updating the Firmware of "LE-8200/LE-8200A" (Version 1.17)

Thank you for using LINEEYE products.

LINEEYE has released the latest firmware (ver1.17) of LE-8200/LE-8200A.

If you have been using the ex-version, please update to the latest version.

[ Update Information ]

  1. Adds the function of turning off the power automatically.
    Auto-run function can specify the time of starting/ending the measurement at selected cycle.
    Version 1.17 adds the function of turning on/off the power of analyzer to suppress the consumption of battery and prepare for unexpected power failure.
    [ Auto Run setting ]
    Also, if there is not any external supply to the analyzer while using the auto-run function, it will not start the measurement. This will avoid the unnecessary measurement when the system is not running.
    [ Auto Run setting ]
  2. Displays the unit of idle time and time stamp on the top of print-out data.
    Displays the unit of idle time and time stamp, which you have selected at "Record Control" setting, on the top of print-out data.
    *=[LE-8200A]====[2012-10-17 10:02:15]=*
    * Model     : LE-8200A                *
    * Version   : 1.11                    *
    * Extension : Standard                *
    * Serial No.: ********                *
    * Start time: 2012-09-25 17:44:48     *
    * Stop time : 2012-09-25 17:46:12     *
    *  PROTOCOL: MODBUS                   *
    *  SPEED   : 19200                    *
    *  MODE    : RTU     PARITY  : ODD    *
    SD:000061499   3  Read holding registers   G 006B0001
    SD:000069455   3  Read holding registers   G 020000
    SD:000217404   2  Read holding registers   G 006B0001
    SD:000225317   2  Read holding registers   G 020000
    SD:000373416   3  Diag/Query data          G 55AA
    SD:000381369   3 *Diagnostics              G 01
    SD:000997404   3  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
    SD:001005428   3  Read holding registers   G 0400000000
    SD:001153312   2  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
    SD:001161366   2  Read holding registers   G 0400000000
    SD:001309380   3  Read holding registers   G 00AA0002
    SD:001317254   3  Read holding registers   G 0403F20000
    SD:001465334   2  Read holding registers   G 00AA0002
    SD:001473117   2  Read holding registers   G 0403F30000
    SD:001621395   3  Read holding registers   G 006B0001
    SD:001629077   3  Read holding registers   G 020000
    SD:001777303   2  Read holding registers   G 006B0001
    SD:001784943   2  Read holding registers   G 020000
    SD:002557313   3  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
    SD:002565054   3  Read holding registers   G 0400000000
    SD:002713325   2  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
    SD:002721418   2  Read holding registers   G 0400000000
    SD:002869390   3  Read holding registers   G 00AA0002
    SD:002877381   3  Read holding registers   G 0403F30000
    SD:003025242   2  Read holding registers   G 00AA0002
    *=[LE-8200]=====[2014-09-30 10:15:09]=*
    * Model     : LE-8200                 *
    * Version   : 1.16                    *
    * Extension : Standard                *
    * Serial No.: ********                *
    * Start time: 2013-02-19 15:59:41     *
    * Stop time : 2013-02-19 16:00:03     *
    *  PROTOCOL: MODBUS                   *
    *  SPEED   : 19200                    *
    *  MODE    : RTU     PARITY  : ODD    *
    *  IDLE TM : 1ms     TM STAMP: HMS    *
    SD: 15 59 43   3 *Diagnostics              G 01
    SD: 15 59 44   3  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
    SD: 15 59 44   3  Read holding registers   G 0400000000
    SD: 15 59 44   2  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
    SD: 15 59 44   2  Read holding registers   G 0400000000
    SD: 15 59 44   3  Read holding registers   G 00AA0002
    SD: 15 59 44   3  Read holding registers   G 0404030000
    SD: 15 59 44   2  Read holding registers   G 00AA0002
    SD: 15 59 44   2  Read holding registers   G 0404030000
    SD: 15 59 44   3  Read holding registers   G 006B0001
    SD: 15 59 44   3  Read holding registers   G 020000
    SD: 15 59 44   2  Read holding registers   G 006B0001
    SD: 15 59 44   2  Read holding registers   G 020006
    SD: 15 59 45   3  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
    SD: 15 59 45   3  Read holding registers   G 0400000000
    SD: 15 59 45   2  Read holding registers   G 00B00002
  3. Adds the detailed MODBUS translation display for Power meter.
    Displays the detailed MODBUS translation which is used for Power meter (Panasonic KW1M series)
    < MODBUS translation display >
    Press [F1] key to display detailed translation.
    < MODBUS detailed translation display >
    * Please contact us for other power meters or MODBUS devices for customization.
  4. Corrects the bug of loading data file with Analog waveform.
    Corrects the bug of loading data file with Analog waveform, which is measured by OP-SB85L.

[Complete version history]

[ How to update the latest firmware ]

Please download the latest firmware from our Website.

Software for transferring firmware "LE8FIRM" is also available from our Website.

Refer to the"LE8FIRM.TXT" document in the utility CD and transfer the latest firmware to the analyzer.

[ Contact ]

Email: Contact Us