Utility / Library
Utility Software / Library | Protocol Analyzers LE/OP Series (Other than LE-590TX/LE-580FX) |
LAN Packet Tester LE-590TX/580FX | |
Interface Converter SI Series | |
LAN connection type IO controller LANIO series |
End-User License Agreement (EULA)
- All rights on these softwares are reserved by LINEEYE CO., LTD. You are not allowed to distribute these softwares to others without the written permission from LINEEYE CO., LTD.
- LINEEYE CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from use of these softwares.
Protocol Analyzers (Other than LE-590TX/580FX)
Name / Version | Appropriate models | Note | Download |
Software for Transferring Firmware LE8FIRM V1.10 (May 25,2020) |
LE-8200(A)/ LE-3500XR/LE-2500XR LE-3500R/LE-3500 LE-2500R/LE-2500 LE-1500R/LE-1500/ LE-110SA/LE-120SA LE-170SA LE-270GR/LE-270AR LE-270A |
It is used when updating the firmware of analyzer. for Windows® 7/8.1/10/11 |
le8firm_v110.zip (98KB) |
Key Emulation Software LE-PCKEYEMU V1.01 (Nov 10,2022) [Complete version history] |
LE-8600X(R)/LE-8500X(R)/ LE-8500X(R)-RT/ LE-8200(A)/ LE-3500XR/LE-2500XR/ LE-3500R/LE-2500R/ LE-1500R/ LE-110SA/LE-120SA/ LE-170SA |
Key operations can be emulated and you can check the screen of the main unit of the analyzer on your PC. Remote operation is available as if you are operating the actual machine. for Windows® 10/11 |
LE file downloader lefiledownload.exe V1.06 (Jan. 14, 2025) |
LE-8600X(R) LE-8500X(R) LE-8500X(R)-SE LE-8500X(R)-RT LE-3500XR/LE-2500XR LE-3500R/LE-2500R LE-1500R/ LE-200PF/LE-150PF LE-200PR/LE-150PR LE-270GF/LE-270AF LE-270GR/LE-270AR |
By using "LE File Downloader" with the auto-save function and trigger save function of the analyzer, auto-save files (#XXXXXXX.DT) and trigger save files (TGSAVEXX.DT or TGSAVXXX.DT) that were automatically saved on a storage device (such as a USB flash memory) can be downloaded to a PC via LAN or Wi-Fi connection. for Windows® 11/10/8.1 User Manual |
lefiledownload_exe_v106.zip (112KB) NEW |
Conversion software to Pcap format lepcapcvt V1.30 (Sep. 20, 2024) [Complete version history] |
LE-8600X(R) LE-8500X(R) LE-8500X(R)-SE SB-T1E/SB-FE2 OP-SB89/89G/89E + LE-8200A/LE-8200 |
The LAN packet measurement log file measured by the analyzer can be converted to a Pcap/Pcapng format file that can be read by free network analysis software such as Wireshark on a PC. for Windows® 11/10/8.1 |
lepcapcvt_130.zip (206KB) NEW |
Data File Conversion Program for OP-SB84 leucvt_win V1.40 (Oct. 23, 2014) [Complete version history] |
OP-SB84 + LE-8200A/LE-8200 |
It converts the packet data measured by OP-SB84 (USB expansion board) into the text format on the PC. for Windows® 7/8.1/10 |
leucvt_win_140.zip (368KB) |
Data File Conversion Program LETCVT V1.04 (Sep 16,2009) |
LE-3500/LE-2500/ LE-1500/LE-7200/ LE-3200/LE-2200/ LE-1200 |
It converts data, which is measured by Monitor function and saved in a memory card, into a text format file on a PC. CAN/LIN measured data is not supported. For Windows® 7/8.1/10 |
letcvt.zip (50KB) |
Data File Conversion Program LETCVT170 V1.00 (Oct 4,2020) |
LE-170SA | Measurement data saved on a USB memory using the CAN/LIN communication line monitor LE-170SA can be converted to a printable text file on a PC. Operating environment: WindowsR 7/8.1/10 | letcvt170.zip (54KB) |
Data File Conversion Program for OP-SB7F LETCVTC V1.00 (Feb 26,2002) |
OP-SB7F + LE-7200/LE-3200/ LE-2200 |
It converts data, which is measured by OP-SB7F (CAN expansion board) and saved in a memory card, into a text format file on a PC. For Windows® 95 or above command prompt. |
letcvtc100.zip (30KB) |
Data File Conversion Program for OP-SB7GX/7FX LETCVTCL V1.00 (Jun. 24,2010) |
OP-SB7GX + LE-3500/LE-2500 OP-SB7FX + LE-7200/LE-3200/ LE-2200 |
It converts data, which is measured by OP-SB7FX/OP-SB7GX (CAN/LIN expansion board) and saved in a memory card, into a text format file on a PC. For Windows® 7/8.1/10 |
letcvtcl100.zip (32KB) |
LE Program Editor LEPROGEDIT V1.01 (Aug 26, 2010) [Complete version history] |
LE-8200A/LE-8200/ LE-3500/LE-7200/ LE-3200 |
Program configuration for Program simulation function saved in a external memory can be used/edited on a PC. for Windows® 7/8 |
leprogedit_exe_v101.zip (36KB) |
Capturing software for Printout Data LEPRTIN_WIN V1.21 (Apr 18,2014) |
LE-8200A/LE-8200/ LE-3500/LE-2500/ LE-1500/LE-7200/ LE-3200/LE-2200/ LE-1200/LE-7000/ LE-3100/LE-2100/ LE-1100 |
It captures text data on the analyzer and sends it to a PC via AUX (serial) port, then saves as a text format file. for Windows® 7/8.1/10 |
leprtin_win_121.zip (10KB) |
Software for Transferring Firmware LE7FIRM_WIN V1.00 (Nov 1,2006) |
LE-7200/LE-7000/ LE-3200/LE-2200/ LE-1200 |
It is used when updating the firmware of analyzer. for Windows® 7 |
le7firm_win.zip (12KB) |
library to control LE series from a PC LEPCLIB V1.01 (Aug 26, 2009) |
LE-8200A/LE-8200/ LE-3500/LE-2500/ LE-1500/LE-7200/ LE-3200/LE-2200/ LE-1200 |
It is a library to make a customer application software to control the analyzer from a PC. AUX (serial) port and USB port connection are supported. for VC++6.0, VB6.0, VC++.NET, VB.NET |
lepclib101b.zip (188KB) |
Library to control LE series from a PC(Real-time version) LEPCLIB_RT V1.18 (Nov. 28, 2024) |
LE-8500XR-RT/LE-8500X-RT/ LE-8500XR-SE/LE-8500X-SE/ LE-8600XR/LE-8600X/ LE-8500XR/LE-8500X/ LE-8200(A)/ LE-3500XR/LE-2500XR/ LE-3500XR(V2)/LE-2500XR(V2)/ LE-3500R/LE-2500R/ LE-1500R/LE-3500/ LE-2500/LE-1500/ LE-7200/LE-3200/ LE-2200/LE-1200/ LE-200PF/LE-150PF/ LE-200PR/LE-200PS/ LE-150PR/LE-150PS |
It is a library to make a customer application software to control the analyzer from a PC (Real-time version). AUX (serial) port, USB port, or Wi-Fi/LAN connection are supported. for VC++.NET |
LEPCLIB_RT_118.zip (987KB) NEW |
Library to control LE series from a PC(Linux) libLEPC V1.04 (Nov. 28, 2024) |
LE-8600XR/LE-8600X/ LE-8500XR/LE-8500X/ LE-8500XR-SE/LE-8500X-SE/ LE-8500XR-RT/LE-8500X-RT/ LE-8200(A)/ LE-3500XR/LE-2500XR/ LE-3500XR(V2)/LE-2500XR(V2)/ LE-3500R/LE-2500R/ LE-1500R/LE-3500/ LE-2500/LE-1500/ LE-7200/LE-3200/ LE-2200/LE-1200/ LE-200PF/LE-150PF/ LE-200PR/LE-200PS/ LE-150PR/LE-150PS |
It is a library to make a customer application software to control the analyzer from a PC (Real-time version). AUX (serial) port, USB port, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi connection are supported. (Depending on the model) We have confirmed that this library works properly on Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS. Some sample softwares are included. |
libLEPC104.tar.gz (1669KB) NEW |
Library to control LE series, Python wrapper (for Linux) lepcpy V1.00 (April 12, 2024) |
LE-8600XR/LE-8600X/ LE-8500XR/LE-8500X/ LE-8500XR-SE/LE-8500X-SE/ LE-8500XR-RT/LE-8500X-RT/ LE-8200(A)/ LE-3500XR/LE-2500XR/ LE-3500R/LE-2500R/ LE-1500R/LE-3500/ LE-2500/LE-1500/ LE-7200/LE-3200/ LE-2200/LE-1200/ LE-200PR/LE-200PS/ LE-150PR/LE-150PS |
A wrapper library for calling libLEPC functions from Python. It can be used when operating the Protocol Analyzer LE series with Python. It also includes multiple running samples. Supported environment: Python 3.10 or later |
lepcpy_100.tar.gz (1315KB) NEW |
library to control LE-650H2 series from a PC(Windows) LEU_LIB V1.07 (Dec 4, 2024) |
LE-650H2/ LE-650H2-A |
It is a library to make a customer application software to control the USB analyzer from a Windows PC. It supports VC++6, VC++.NET. We have confirmed that this library works properly on Win10 and the import to VisualStudio2017. |
leu_lib_107.zip (96KB) NEW |
library to control LE-650H2 series from a PC(Linux) libLEU V1.07 V1.07 (Dec 4, 2024) |
LE-650H2/ LE-650H2-A |
It is a library to make a customer application software to control the USB analyzer from a Linux PC. You need to install the configuration manager to use it. We have confirmed that this library works properly on Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS. |
The configuration manger lecfgmng_0511.tar.gz (239KB) libLEU_107.tar.gz (54KB) NEW |
LAN Packet Tester LE-590TX
Name / Version | Appropriate models | Note | Download |
LE590-TAP v1.1b081 (Apr 12,2023) ●Complete version history |
LE-590TX | Software for monitoring by the TAP function * Please install the latest version after uninstalling the software of the old version. * Firmware v2.3b038 of the main unit is required. Environment: Windows®10/11 |
LE590-TAP_v1.1b081.zip (14076KB) NEW |
LE590-SG v2.0b003 (Apr 12,2023) ●Complete version history |
LE-590TX | Packet generation software for SG function * Please install the latest version after uninstalling the software of the old version. * Firmware v2.3b038 of the main unit is required. Environment: Windows®10/11 |
LE590-SG_v2.0b003.zip (94808KB) NEW |
LE590-NIC v1.1b023 |
LE-590TX | Software for NIC function and main unit update * Please install the latest version after uninstalling the software of the old version. * Please install it when changing the firmware of the main unit. * Click here for the latest firmware v2.3b038 Environment: Windows®10/11 |
LE590-NIC_v1.1b023.zip (10799KB) |
LAN Packet Tester LE-580FX
Name / Version | Appropriate models | Note | Download |
TAP Mode
Utility V1.00 (Jul 15,2009) |
LE-580FX | It is a utility software to set Media Type of LE-580FX when using the LE-580FX as a TAP from Wireshark. (Refer to the instruction manual.) for Windows® XP/Vista(32bit) |
LE-580FX TAP Mode Utility (537KB) |
TAP Mode
Utility V1.00b002 (Mar 16,2011) |
LE-580FX | It is a utility software to set Media Type of LE-580FX when using the LE-580FX as a TAP from Wireshark. (Refer to the instruction manual.) for Windows® 7/8 |
LE-580FX TAP Mode Utility v1.0b002.zip (1096KB) |
F2544 V2.5b001 (Mar. 15,2011) |
LE-580FX | Refer to "LE-580FX F2544 users manual" before installing. LINEEYE makes no warranty on this product, including installation. *Manual for Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7 |
LELE-580FX F2544 v2.5b001.exe (13748KB) |
Interface Converter SI Series
Name / Version | Appropriate models | Note | Download |
SILANIOinit V1.04 (July 12,2017) |
SI-60/SI-65/ SI-60F/SI-60X |
It is configuration tool for LINEEYE products embedded XPort® / WiPort® / WiPort®-NR. for Windows® 7/8.1/10/11 |
SILANIOinit104.zip (18KB) |
LAN connection type IO controller LANIO series
Name / Version | Appropriate models | Note | Download |
Operation software LA-PC20 V1.02 (Mar. 29,2023) | LA-5P-P(G), LA-5R(G) LA-3R3P-P(G) |
Software for checking the operation of the LANIO series. Used when connecting to a pre-registered host address and port. for Windows® 10/11 |
LAPC20_102.zip (153KB) NEW |
Operation software LA-PC10 V1.26 (Nov. 11,2021) | LA-5P-P(G), LA-5R(G) LA-3R3P-P(G) |
Operation software for LA-5P-P(G), LA-5R(G), and LA-3R3P-P(G). Note: LA-PC20 is recommended. for Windows® 10/11 |
LAPC10_126.zip (81KB) |
LANIO setup tool LANIOset V2.20 (Mar. 29,2023) | LA-5P-P(G), LA-5R(G) LA-3R3P-P(G) |
LANIO setup tool for Windows® 10/11 |
LANIOset_220.zip (296KB) NEW |
LANIO setup tool LANIOset (for Linux) V1.101 (May 1,2020) | LA-5P-P(G), LA-5R(G) LA-3R3P-P(G) |
LANIO setup tool for Linux Checked with Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Raspberry Pi (Raspbian). |
LANIOsetLinux_1101.tar.gz (711KB) |
LANIO series library for digital models (Windows) LANIOLIB V1.29 (2023/03/30) | LA-5P-P(G), LA-5R(G) LA-3R3P-P(G) |
Library to make user-application software. for VC++6.0, VB6.0,VC++.NET(32/64bit),VC#.NET,VB.NET |
lanio_lib129.zip (709KB) NEW Old version V1.00 lanio_lib100.zip (84KB) |
LANIO series library for digital models (Linux) libLANIO V1.02 (2023/04/20) | LA-5P-P(G), LA-5R(G) LA-3R3P-P(G) |
Checked with Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, and Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) Sample software included. |
libLANIO_102.tar.gz (193KB) |